Testimonials from Restaurant and Bar Owners

Village Cork Bar & Restaurant, Denver: Our Policy Benefits Our Business

Personally I don’t smoke and have lost both my grandmothers to lung disease. I have friends who work in smoke-filled bars that I hope can find a better environment.

The Village Cork is a unique restaurant, opening 18 months ago as a smoke-free, healthy and clean establishment.

Smoking inside the restaurant is not permitted, and there has been no problem with business - smokers just go outside.

Our smoke-free environment is an asset to the business - we receive many of compliments from customers, and it is much better for the health of all the staff.

Smoking and non-smoking friends that want to spend more time together can come here and find a wonderful environment that will meet both their needs.

So, I‘d like to encourage the City to adopt a smoke-free restaurant ordinance.

Lisa DeAnn Miller, Owner

Village Cork, Denver

1300 South Pearl Street, 80210, (303)282-8399